Language Lab

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Our Language Lab tools are designed to assess the speaking and listing skills of the students. The Language labs aims at meeting these needs and reducing the burden of the English teacher. With the learners coming with various needs, is a huge challenge for the teacher. Teaching of speaking skill is a huge exercise especially to learners coming from a non- English speaking environment. Learners have to be taught to interweave vocabulary, language structures  and context appropriately to make sense. Fluency and accurate pronunciation are additional areas of language to be addressed. Ensuring  improvement in listening skills is no different. The art of reading between the lines and understanding what is being meant is a skill that has to be learnt and mastered. The learners will have to be consciously taught the skill of looking for hints to interpret and deduce meaning of the context to enhance their listening skills.

The testing format as suggested by CBSE for the ASL test is used in the our Language Lab content to prepare the learners; facilitating the preparation for the test. The learners are provided with a bank of vocabulary or expressions best suited to a relevant topic. This hand-holding instills in them the confidence needed to speak and express themselves with confidence. The guidance given to analyse an audio further helps them to develop a knack for interpreting and understanding what is being said.