Mrs. A M Kotwal, a passionate Montessorian, trained directly under Dr. Maria Montessori had a dream to expand her passion throughout the world. She lived and breathed for education. Her desire to integrate several of her personal experience and whip in the demand of her time with the ridged Montessori’s self-educative and self-evaluative methodology and amalgamate the need to read and write.
A unique mix of a strict disciplinarian and a compassionate soul who educated for the sake of educating and demanding nothing in return except to see that all who reached out to her left her to climb the stairway to success.
The wonder of the woman was her humility, never to brag about her student success rate. She still remains a humble non-entity who never spoke for herself, but even today the successful students thank her from the deepest part of their heart for the foundation and grounding she gave each one of them.
She never dreamed for success all she wanted was to educate without discrimination – she loved the differently enabled and rendered them competent and self-reliant, this was her milestone of success.
Today, we as her family want to carry forward her legendary service and propose to make the world a better place – a place with compassion, love and respect.
This school is a salute to our founder who has been our beacon to guide us onto to the right shores of the education industry. She has instilled in us the drive to educate and trained us to subtlety instill it into several who have chosen early childhood education as a career.
“Earlier Childhood Education can never be considered a career it can only be a passion”