[vc_row][vc_column list_style=”list-style-check”][vc_column_text]Behavior – Discipline – Suspension


  • Students are expected to come to school on time and in right uniform.
  •  All students are expedited to behave is a humane manner and with respect for each other and all staff members.
  •  They should participate in all school activities.
  • No religious or unsolicited literature should be brought to school. Illicit, abusive, tardy behavior will not be tolerated and may lead to suspension.


  • School timing must be strictly maintained.
  • Parents are not allowed to meet the class teacher during class hours and without the prior permission of the Director/Principal.
  • Parents are requested NOT to enter the classes between 8.25 am and 8.40 am.
  • Children should come in correct uniform with all the necessary books and educational material.
  • Tardy behavior from the parent, guardian, or representative of the student will be dealt with very seriously.
  • Illicit and abusive behaviour will be dealt with severely and may lead to rustication of the student.
  • Parents are not allowed to come and feed their wards at school.
  • The student will not be given permission to leave the school premises during school hours.
  • If the child is ill or has any other appointment he/she should not be brought to school as if the child is taken in between class hours it will be considered a day off and it will add to the students list of absenteeism.
